Ritual: Why Then? Why Now?

As we continue to live through pandemic life and begin to celebrate our graduating seniors through senior farewell ceremonies and commencement exercises, I am happy to share the wise words of my sister and my friend, Dr. Mari Ann Callais.

I have always believed that rituals are the core of who we are as fraternal organizations. It's not as much how the ceremony is performed although that is important, it is about the values we are asked to commit to. It is about how we show up in our communities, families, friend groups and the greater world around us. Rituals are really more about the type of humans we try to be - how we grow and develop and how we contribute to the greater good. 


As I think about rituals in a post pandemic world, I believe now more than ever the concepts of community, compassion, friendship, truth, belonging - we have a greater need now for all of those values to be lived by us as fraternity and sorority members. It is not enough to say we are values-based organizations, we have to be values-based humans. Rituals challenge us to stand up for what we believe in, to hold one another accountable, and to become better than we would have been had we not been a part of our organization. I know for me personally, my sorority experience has exposed me to many opportunities and humans I would have never experienced. I believe I have a responsibility to contribute, question, listen and challenge because of the values I promised to try to my best to live up to. This is why I believe rituals were important then, and why I believe they are important now. 

Mari Ann and I at AFA Annual Meeting, December 2021